Monday, April 28, 2008


"I can't say certain things, so I write them down, that's how I get them out. Now I do that for myself and not for anyone else." 
-- Boy Meets World

I wonder how many people this is true for. I have a special bond with words in every form: stories, songs, quotes, etc. I like to write them and I like to read them. If you ask me, I can often think of a dozen songs in one instant that apply to my life. For as long as I can remember, I have written.. not necessarily an every night journal thing, but when something really gets to me, I write about it. Writing is about as cathartic as it gets. But when I came across this, I wondered who do I really write for? Is it for myself or for others? And honestly, I think it is a little bit of both. My thoughts are often so jumbled in my head that I need to write them down to get them out. Ask my ex-boyfriends, I write them letters when we break up so I can say everything I need to. I write friends notes often. When I write, I like when others read it. I figure if someone takes the time to read, they will understand more about me than if I just sat there and told them things.
I figured I would try blogging and see how I liked it. I'm not gonna lie.. it's tough. I have so much on my mind, but I can not always find the time to jot it down. I do not post religiously, and I'm not even sure I have any readers, but that is okay with me. Because I am posting this for me. I am writing down my thoughts and feelings. And maybe one day, someone will come across this blog and relate to it. Maybe they will think I am a genius, or maybe they will think I am an idiot. But I will keep posting.. give me time. I am a college student and life gets crazy busy.