Tuesday, June 3, 2008

nine days..

I cannot believe that I leave here in nine days. Nine days and my freshman year is over. I feel like I have been counting down for so long, but now that it's finally close, I'm freaking out.

For the next three months, there will be no more:
- midnight bronco runs
- staying up till 3 to finish papers, because more time is spent talking than actually writing
- blondies 
- taking a shower at 6 am, because it's the only hangover cure I know
- jumping on Jodi's bed
- late night convos about anything with my roomie
- doing the 4 30 dash to the bathroom
- taking keys to the bathroom
- trying to use up all our food points
- crazy adventures on the weekends
- in n out in movie theaters
- photobooth sessions with the girls who made them legendary
- DJ Checko

I came here, scared as can be, to live among all these strangers. And then, these strangers became my friends. And now, I feel like I'm leaving my family. It's weird how quickly one can adapt and your whole life can change. I have built a place for me here, with everyone. And now, I have to leave it. Trust me, I am ready to go home. I miss my family and friends, but just as much, I will miss my family and friends here.