Monday, March 31, 2008

don't let them win

If anyone is reading this, you may be wondering why I titled it: don't let them win. 
Well you see, I kinda like to pretend I'm a motivational speaker haha. Usually it's just me writing things that I wish people had told me. I hate to watch people become discouraged because of what other people say. 

All the time,I see people with low self esteem. Personally, I'm pretty sure of myself. I have no idea where I'm going but I know who I am and where I came from. But whenever I hear a negative comment about me, I can feel a part of my confidence slipping. Words hurt. I don't care how that poem goes.. sticks and stones hurt physically, but words hurt emotionally. And I'm not sure which one is worse in all honestly.
Just don't let them win. When someone puts you down, get on up. You can jump back up or slowly rise, but get up. Only you can know who you are and where you're going. Surround yourself by those who will help you. iIgnore those who will hurt or hinder you. If you are told you cannot do something, prove that person wrong. You CAN do anything you set your mind to. 

Don't let them win. If they tell you that you will never graduate high school, then work hard, and ace it. Go to college. Become something. I know it can happen, I've seen people do it. It's not gonna be easy, but it will so be worth it.

Don't let them win. If they call you fat, love your body. If you don't love your body, work on it. Eating disorders are dangerous. Throwing up after your meals is not attractive and very unhealthy. Not eating is not cute in the least on dates and it's not fun with your friends; you miss out on so many wonderful tastes. Eat healthy. Go to the gym. Love yourself. Remind yourself of you good qualities; if you are having problems with this, ask those around you why they love you.

Don't let them win. Be the one to change the world. All around us, we hear that we can't do this and we can't do that. But truthfully, we can. you can do whatever you set your mind do. You can start by making a small difference, just in one person's life and it will spiral, affecting more and more people. 

If you're told you can't, prove them wrong. Whoever "they" are in your life, don't let them win.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

dear boy

i guess i could spend my first post telling you about myself.. but i think that can wait till later. i think you can gauge quite a bit about me just from this. i am not here to find a boy, but this is something i wrote that i think tells a lot about me.

Dear Boy, 

I realy hope to meet you soon. I know I have to wait until the time is right and I will try to be patient. But you should know, I am not always the most patient person. I especially struggle when I am really excited for something. When we meet, I hope I do not disappoint you. I am not the perfect girl with the blonde hair and blue eyes. I tend to wear my hair in a ponytail more often than I wear it down. I like to dress up, but you will usually catch me in a t-shirt and jeans. I am not a cheerleader, or a dancer, or a gymnast. I am a soccer player. I don't mind getting dirty and playing hard. I am not a glamorous goal-scorer or a heroic goal-stopper. I play defense, and when you get to know me, you will probably realize my position says a lot about my personality. 

Yes, I like chick flicks and cheesy TV shows, but more often my TV is on SportsCenter or a Friends episode. I read the newspaper. I hope you appreciate my varied interests. I don't expect you to be into everything that I am, but I hope you learn from me, as I plan on learning from you. I can be stubborn, but I will admit when I'm wrong. If you hurt my feelings, just apologize; I don't hold grudges. And if you hug me, I will get over things even quicker.

Please don't pressure me to go further than I'm comfortable with, especially to look cool in front of your boys. I promise to not discuss intimate personal details with my friends and I'd like it if you didn't either. I lke to have fun and laugh. I hope we do that a lot together. If I do happen to cry, whether or not you are at fault, just hold me. It will not last very long, and I am not one to cry for no reason, so it is probably very important to me.

I'm very sarcastic, and I hope you appreciate it and don't take it personal. i hope you are good at making me laugh; I need someone goofy. I try to keep things light hearted as much of the time as possible. I make funny faces and tell corny jokes, if for no other reason than I like to see others smile. Don't make fun of me, please. But remember, I can be serious. Random things pop into my head and I like to talk about them. I hope this leads to many interesting conversations. I love hearing other people's opinions on things and I looking forward to hearing yours.

I am excited to meet you, but I am not one of those girls who pine away for men. I will keep living life and hanging out with my friends; the latter is something I do not plan on changing when you come along. My friends are extremely important to me and I hope that maybe one day, you will come to love them too. You should know right off the bat that I consider my best friend to be my sister and her opinion is very important. Well, I hope you are as excited to meet me as I am to meet you.
