Saturday, March 15, 2008

dear boy

i guess i could spend my first post telling you about myself.. but i think that can wait till later. i think you can gauge quite a bit about me just from this. i am not here to find a boy, but this is something i wrote that i think tells a lot about me.

Dear Boy, 

I realy hope to meet you soon. I know I have to wait until the time is right and I will try to be patient. But you should know, I am not always the most patient person. I especially struggle when I am really excited for something. When we meet, I hope I do not disappoint you. I am not the perfect girl with the blonde hair and blue eyes. I tend to wear my hair in a ponytail more often than I wear it down. I like to dress up, but you will usually catch me in a t-shirt and jeans. I am not a cheerleader, or a dancer, or a gymnast. I am a soccer player. I don't mind getting dirty and playing hard. I am not a glamorous goal-scorer or a heroic goal-stopper. I play defense, and when you get to know me, you will probably realize my position says a lot about my personality. 

Yes, I like chick flicks and cheesy TV shows, but more often my TV is on SportsCenter or a Friends episode. I read the newspaper. I hope you appreciate my varied interests. I don't expect you to be into everything that I am, but I hope you learn from me, as I plan on learning from you. I can be stubborn, but I will admit when I'm wrong. If you hurt my feelings, just apologize; I don't hold grudges. And if you hug me, I will get over things even quicker.

Please don't pressure me to go further than I'm comfortable with, especially to look cool in front of your boys. I promise to not discuss intimate personal details with my friends and I'd like it if you didn't either. I lke to have fun and laugh. I hope we do that a lot together. If I do happen to cry, whether or not you are at fault, just hold me. It will not last very long, and I am not one to cry for no reason, so it is probably very important to me.

I'm very sarcastic, and I hope you appreciate it and don't take it personal. i hope you are good at making me laugh; I need someone goofy. I try to keep things light hearted as much of the time as possible. I make funny faces and tell corny jokes, if for no other reason than I like to see others smile. Don't make fun of me, please. But remember, I can be serious. Random things pop into my head and I like to talk about them. I hope this leads to many interesting conversations. I love hearing other people's opinions on things and I looking forward to hearing yours.

I am excited to meet you, but I am not one of those girls who pine away for men. I will keep living life and hanging out with my friends; the latter is something I do not plan on changing when you come along. My friends are extremely important to me and I hope that maybe one day, you will come to love them too. You should know right off the bat that I consider my best friend to be my sister and her opinion is very important. Well, I hope you are as excited to meet me as I am to meet you.


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